We are proud to announce a new option for GuardTour Checkpoints:
Geo Tour
For an introduction and how to video, please refer to our YouTube channel here.

Our original GuardTour feature was created to give officers a means to scan a QR code or an NFC tag, to verify that an officer is making their rounds on location. We understand that some locations may not have the option of installing a QR code, or NFC tag at the physical location. There is also the concern of the codes and tags being removed.
The solution to this is our Geo Tour feature. This additional feature uses the officer’s location, replacing the use of QR codes and NFC tags. The main focus of this feature is to allow you to set checkpoints for accounts without a physical trigger.

With the previous versions of GuardTours, we required employees to scan a QR Code or NFC tag to trigger the checkpoint. Our latest changes now only require that your employees be within a certain proximity to a gps coordinate, to trigger the tour event. The Geo Tour is designed to have the same functionality as the QR code and NFC Tag. The Geo Tour also works with Scan Rules as well as Directives.