Destiny Software’s Human Resources organizes and collects the information you gather throughout your employees' life cycle, then helps you use that information to make informed decisions regarding hiring, onboarding and compensation.
Administrators can easily manage employee information ranging from emergency contacts to health care coverage and can also generate reports in which they can easily distinguish tenure, time off balances.
For an introduction video, please refer to our YouTube channel here.

Employee Data Management
We’re now allowing you to manage important data related to your employees. A few:
- Automatic I-9 and W4 generation.
- Information regarding employee dependents.
- Emergency contacts.
- Uploading of any documents pertaining to employees.
- Track compensation changes and employee status, including furlough and terminations.
- Manage benefits like health and vision.

Employee Data Reports
Run and export reports such as:
- Benefits
- Headcount
- Salary
- Benefits

Missing Data Report
Run an audit of your records to easily determine what data is missing. For example, if all employees need an emergency contact on file, our Missing Data report will quickly show you all employees who lack this information.

Beta Product
The Human Resources is a beta feature. Rather than keep the feature in development for months, we’ve decided to release it immediately for two reasons:
- We believe in creating a product as thin as possible and improving over time. This is also known as Minimal Viable Product.
- We could never think of all of the ways in which this feature will be used. Only our customers can do that and we will weigh customer feedback as we evolve and improve the product.